Settling sidewalks and sloped uni-stone patios are common causes of water being directed against your foundation. This can allow water or moisture to penetrate you basement wall and even cause potential settling of your foundation. Always ensure your exterior grade...
Thermal Imaging and Your Home Inspection go hand in hand when hiring a professional to inspect your new home. Light is basically divided into two categories for the purpose of thermal imaging, visible light and invisible light. There is an almost infinite range of...
Some people may feel that there is no need to conduct a Calgary inspection especially if you ought to buy a newly built house. Purchasing your own home is an investment for the future that involves a huge amount of money. It should be able to offer security and...
Shingle roofing is a great way to enhance the appearance of your house. This sort of roofing is getting a lot of popularity among home owners in both the United States and other parts of the world for even more reasons than one. This post goes over some of the reasons...
A basement is an area below the first floor with a minimum height of 6 feet 8 inches. Basements may be created using masonry blocks or poured concrete. Modern homes are typically constructed using forms and poured concrete. Many basements provide added living space,...