When you require a basic visual inspection such as for insurance or pre-purchase of a home equipped with a certified or uncertified wood stove, pellet stove, corn stove, factory built fireplace, combination or add-on furnace you can contact the Barrie Home Inspector who is WETT Certified for Site Basic Inspections.
Typically, your insurance company will require that a WETT certified inspector conduct a visual Level I inspection to determine if there is any visual problems with your wood burning appliance.
The Level I inspection is essentially a general overview of the readily accessible parts, clearances, chimney heights, stove location with respect to combustible materials and visual signs to determine if the system meets the CSA Standard B365 (Installation Code for Solid-Fuel-Burning Appliances and Equipment).
If there are concerns, the Barrie Home Inspector will explain the identified problem and offer the best and most practical solution. Once the identified concerns are corrected or if necessary, repaired by a WETT certified technician, we will send you your WETT Certified inspection report.
Wood Energy Technology Transfer (WETT) is the authority on all solid fuel burning appliances in Canada. The Canadian Standards Authority (CSA) recognizes the Standard B365 as the guide lines to ensure the safe and proper installation of all wood stoves, pellet stoves, factory built fire places, combination furnaces and add-on furnaces.
If you need a more intensive inspection or an evaluation to determine system integrity, contact codecompliance.ca and speak to a WETT certified inspector to schedule a Level II or Level III solid-fuel burning appliance inspection.
When a WETT Inspection is completed as part of Home Inspection the fee is only $50.00 per appliance.